General Information
Risk Management is mandatory for all workplaces of various risk levels and industries in Singapore under Workplace Safety & Health Act and WSH (Risk Management) Regulations.
Companies must appoint Risk Management leader(s) and Risk Assessment leader(s) to conduct risk management. They must be competent for the tasks of leading the organisation (RM Leader) or their departments, locations, outlets and functions (RA Leaders) to conduct a proper risk management. Having attended a Risk Management course (WSQ bizSAFE Level 2 Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan Course) conducted by a SSG Approved Training Provider or equivalent is sufficient demonstration of this fact.
(Reference: Code of Practice on WSH Risk Management, second revision: 2015).
bizSAFE is a five-step programme that assists companies to build up their WSH capabilities so that they can achieve quantum improvements in safety and health standards at the workplace.
bizSAFE certification is not a mandatory or legal requirement but companies are strongly encouraged to participate in bizSAFE. Tender requirements may also mandate bizSAFE certification as a requirement for the tender that your company is participating in. In the process of attaining bizSAFE certification, your enterprise will also benefit by acquiring WSH capabilities and be able to implement a Risk Management System or WSH Management System at your workplace to better manage workplace safety.
Although bizSAFE certification is not a legal requirement, companies must still comply with the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations and have a proper risk management system in place. Companies can then choose to appoint Risk Management (RM) Leaders and Risk Assessment (RA) Leaders to attend the bizSAFE level 2 “Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan” course, to learn and apply the risk management methodologies and conduct a proper risk management.
It helps organisations to
- create a safer and healthier work environment for employees,
- increase their business competitive edge, and
- gain recognition by bizSAFE partners and industry.
The organisation will also receive a bizSAFE certificate for each level attained. The company can then display the bizSAFE logo on the name cards, company letterhead and other collaterals.
You can visit the Workplace Safety Health Council website, to apply.
On Training
1. How do I register?
- Enrol Online at our website at
- For inhouse training request which minimum class size is required, please contact us at 6440 2166 or email to:
2. When will I receive the course confirmation email?
- Upon receipt of your course registration, an email confirming the course will be sent to the trainee (cc. to contact person) within one month before course commencement (with attached e-invoice for full fee option).
- (For nett fee option on bizSAFE Level 2 &/or Level 4 courses) Contact person is required to submit training grant application for their trainees who are Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents at within 30 days prior to the course start date.
- (For nett fee option on bizSAFE Level 2 &/or Level 4 courses) Once training grant is approved by SSG, a follow-up email with nett fee e-invoice will be sent to the contact person.
- Upon payment received, on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to availability of seats, a confirmation email will be sent to the trainee (cc. to contact person).
3. When will the participants receive their certificate?
- For WSQ courses, trainees may access their e-Cert three weeks from the course end date by logging into MySkillsFuture Portal at with individual’s SingPass.
- For non-WSQ courses, e-Certs will be emailed to the trainees upon successful completion of the course and payment received.
4. When will I be notified if there is any postponement/cancellation of course?
Our training department will inform the contact person / trainee latest 3 days before the course date if there is any postponement / cancellation.
1. Why must the trainees fill in their salary range?
It is a mandatory field in assessment result submission. We are required to collect the information for assessment result submission to SSG. SSG collects that information for statistics and policy formulation.
2. Why is it important for trainees to provide their mobile number and e-mail address?
Trainee’s email address and mobile contact number are one of the mandatory required information to be submitted to SSG in our uploading of the assessment results and for SSG’s conducting of training quality survey purposes.
3. How do foreign workers without SingPass access e-Cert?
Foreign workers can check for eligibility for SingPass and apply for SingPass using online request at or approach Community Centres, CPF Woodlands Service Centre and Land Transport Authority. With the SingPass, the foreign workers may access their e-Cert online.
Foreign workers who are not eligible for SingPass can approach their ATOs to download the e-Cert for them.
4. Who can get SingPass?
Check out your SingPass eligibility HERE.
How do trainees access their e-Cert?
Trainees can access their e-Cert by logging into the MySF Portal at with their SingPass. The e-Cert can be found in the ‘Certificates’ tab of the trainee’s Skills Passport upon login. Please click HERE and refer to the USER GUIDE ON E-CERT (INDIVIDUALS) for the process.
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The health and welfare of our trainees and staff are of utmost concern to us. In light of the evolving situation regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), we are ensuring they are continually updated and adhering to all measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health’s latest public health advisory.
Generally, all our classes or work will be CONDUCTED ONLINE. If physical classes or work are allowed, our scheduled classes will proceed with the following existing and new measures being activated, such as:
- Temperature taking twice a day
- Trainees will be required to complete a Travel & Health Declaration Form on the 1st day of course prior to entering class.
- Increased cleaning frequency
- Social Distancing
- Advising trainees of basic hygiene at all times.
- Individually-wrapped food for tea-breaks.
- Maintaining contact lists (in case of contact tracing).
The 5 categories of Trainees below should NOT attend classes. All re-scheduling of classes of the below affected will be done at no extra costs (please email me at
- Quarantine Order
- Leave of Absence
- Stay Home Notice
- Feeling Unwell, with Symptoms of Cough and Runny Nose – Regardless of your travel history, trainees who feel unwell or experience any symptoms of flu and cough are advised to seek medical attention immediately and rest and recuperate fully at home.
- Any other latest requirement by authorities not listed above.
For safety and health, we reserve all rights to postpone or cancel class or turn away any visitor to our premises based on above or any new instruction from government.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take appropriate actions as guided by the authorities and we appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.
Should you require further assistance or clarification pertaining to any other issues, kindly email us at or contact us @ 6440 2166.
MOH advisory:
- Observe good personal hygiene;
- Practise frequent hand washing with soap (e.g. before handling food or eating, after going to toilet, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing);
- Cover your mouth with a tissue paper when coughing or sneezing, and dispose the soiled tissue paper in the rubbish bin immediately;
- Seek medical attention promptly if you are feeling unwell.
- Wear a mask if sick or recovering from illness
Delays may occur at the reception due to temperature screening and travel declaration. Please plan your journey wisely so as to avoid rushing during road travel.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take appropriate actions as guided by the authorities and we appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation. Thank you for exercising your social responsibility towards the well-being of yourself and others.
Should you require further assistance or clarification pertaining to any other issues, kindly contact us @ 64402166.
E-Assessment Prerequisite
- Candidate is required to confirm meeting the minimum system requirements prior to e-assessment and booking of e-assessment date. These requirements include, but are not limited to:
- A PC or laptop with built-in webcam and microphone
- Internet connectivity
- Zoom App
- Microsoft Word (able to open .docx file)
- Web browser
- Candidate is to ensure a conducive environment, i.e. a quiet and isolated environment to minimize external disturbance/distractions, to support fair assessment.
- Prior to the start of the assessment, assessor will ensure all candidates are authenticated by validating individual candidate’s name and last 4 digits of NRIC via video; and confirm candidate’s readiness to start the assessment.
- For oral and written e-assessment, candidate’s device’s camera should be able to capture his/her face, upper body and sufficient working/assessment area. This is to ensure candidates do not receive unauthorised assistance during the assessment duration (applicable for synchronous e-assessment).
- Candidate’s face must be visible at all times with suitable level of light during the assessment and his/her voice must be audible during oral assessment, if required.
- Any support required by the candidate should be declared upfront to the assessor prior to the start of assessment.
- The assessment is open-booked and duration is 1-hour. Candidate may refer to the references notes provided by Bond International Consultants Pte Ltd.
- Candidates should not receive external/additional help during assessment other than what was required/declared and approved by the assessor.
- The written assessment should be completed in one session with no intermittent break/interruption. Hence, the candidate may not leave the assessment room during the assessment. Candidate may have to repeat the whole assessment again if the session is interrupted.
- Upon completion of the written assessment, candidate is to submit his/her answer sheet according to the email instructions sent to candidate prior to e-assessment.
- Upon submission of written assessment answer sheet, candidate will be invited to a waiting room(virtual) to be called upon by the assessor for a discussion of his/her assessment outcome or oral assessment, if required.
Should you wish to seek any clarification on the above instructions, please contact us before the start of the assessment.
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Other Frequently Asked Questions
- via phone 6785 5785
- via SkillsFuture Feedback Channel:
- via SkillsConnect Feedback Channel: